The pandemic has changed the way we function forever. The way we communicate, the way we interact, the way we consume information, the way we do business- everything has changed. In the midst of this heavy change, we saw a rise in social media technology as a new means of interaction and even a new way of deriving human connection.
Lately, Social media has been in news a lot. And not for great reasons. Multiple studies suggested that excessive social media leads to an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. The terms like FOMO (Fear of missing out), screen addiction, the feeling of inadequacy, trolling, and mis-information or misleading people have become the talk of the town.
But as we end 2021, probably the two most difficult years that the world has witnessed in this era, we would like to revisit the positive side of social media. The power of bringing happiness, lighting up the hopes, uniting people, a source of help, a place to belong, and most importantly to feel how human we all are. Here is a round up of the last two years of social media for you.
Social media for Good
In times as tough as the ones that the Pandemic brought with itself, social media played an integral part in in helping us maintain our sanity. Social media was instrumental not only in helping us in our human connections but also in saving human lives.
The Social Challenges & Games
The pandemic was one such time in history when social interaction was at its lowest. Ironically this is when various social media challenges came to the fore. These trends ranged from the ones that helped us through the pandemic like the stay safe challenge which was all about washing your hands for twenty whole seconds in the most entertaining way possible.
Other trends were more wholesome like the ones encouraging users to recreate their tourist photographs but within the confines of their homes. Not only did this put a humorous spin on our enclosed lives but also so let us know that we are all in this together.
The information hub
While we often discuss how social media helped us in our daily routine, it is all the more important to remember how it also saved lives. At a time when resources were beyond our reach and information was scarce, the various social media platforms brought us all together. Information related to the Covid-19 virus, the making of a vaccine, and to the benefits of the vaccine were all part of the awareness that social media comfortably handled. While the various platforms helped us touch base with other humans, they also helped us reignite and maintain the enthusiasm to live and to live freely.
Social media allowed better human connection
Social media has been very helpful when it comes to connecting people in these tough times. In times like the once brought by the pandemic where one could not even interact with their closest people, it became exceedingly tough to hold onto any human emotion. Thus, at a time where human interaction was at its lowest, social media allowed us to connect with each other from the comfort of our homes.
The best example of this could be seen in the way video messaging platforms like Zoom, Skype, etc. help us stay connected with her friends and family. With social distancing, quarantining and curfews in place, getting together with our loved ones was limited to Zoom parties and conference calls. But we made the most of them, didn't we?
Social media saved our mental health
It is said that we derive a sense of reality and sanity through human connection. But due to the pandemic and its restrictions, this human connection was also difficult to maintain. This resulted in a huge decline in mental health among a large population. But due to social media, one could still retain some sense of connection with other humans, while we tried to stay safe from the deadly disease. 56% of people surveyed transitioned from in-person therapy to online therapy in the last six months, most likely due to COVID-related protocol. Thus social media went on to stabilize our mental health through the pandemic.
Social media brought in help for people in need from across the internet together. Qualified therapists extended their help through social media. 91% of people currently in online therapy agree that more people should try it. Among people currently in online therapy, 92% express satisfaction with their overall experience. Thus a solution for a problem as critical as mental health was readily made available with the power of accessibility of social media.
Social media helped businesses survive

Small businesses, in particular, suffered heavily during the pandemic. But social media and its connectivity enabled many businesses to stay afloat. A number of local businesses were motivated to take their business online during the pandemic. This increased their audience reach to a few many-fold.
Add to it the resources that people pooled in to support their local businesses, which has restored our faith in humanity for many of us. This was especially seen in a very wholesome story that put social media users on a whim. A local Dhaba owner, loved by all, was in a distraught financial mess due to the lack of customers during the pandemic, was helped by social media. His customers and the goodwill earned, help him out of this money cinch as people lined up in queues to get into his Dhaba while others donated generously.
A voice to be heard through the Pandemic

Social media has been long hailed as the medium that gave a voice to everyone. This allowed every opinion to gain a platform to make itself heard. This effect was only amplified through the pandemic. This allowed honest and transparent news and opinions to travel in a time period where this communication had become exceedingly difficult. Thus social media became a support system for all voices respective of where they came from.
A prime example of this was seen with the 'Black lives matter' movement when supporters joined forces to protest against the rising racial inequality in the US. At time of strict curfews owing to the pandemic, social media played a crucial role in bringing people together in this fight for long due justice.
Social provided new job opportunities
With the advent of social media, users saw a rise in the number of newfound job opportunities. People could now utilize their social skills, their interactive talents such that they not only follow their passion but also do justice to their professional lives. Social media marketing is one such sector that saw opportunities opening up that profited everyone- from the smallest of brands to the remotest of job seekers.
Social media provided social help
In these times that brought along conditions that made overwhelmed all emergency services to the T, social media came to our rescue. Various instances of this were seen as necessary medical supplies, and even basic necessities like food and water, were provided to the needful as social media brought human forces together.
One such event was witnessed when a tweet by a specially-abled individual regarding the lack of availability of life-saving medicines, went viral. The whole of Twitterati then joined hands to pool resources and means of delivering it to the person in distress. Thus at a time when our system failed owing to the circumstances presented, social media played saviour.
Social made us human again
Staying within the confines of our homes also gave way to a complete change in our lifestyles when it came to staying fit. This gave way to various home-friendly workout routines that needed minimum to no equipment. This was further reinforced by social media challenges incorporating exercise routines. The Plank Challenge, The Pushup Challenge motivated people to go beyond their usual physical limits and be their best selves even through the pandemic.
Motivation was sought when PM Modi appealed to the public to bang thaalis and light diyas in the honor of our ever enduring emergency services. Instances like these were the ones that taught us that no matter how dire the conditions be, the human spirit can manage to shine through them all.
Being social in the times of a Pandemic
The pandemic brought with it many changes which took a heavy toll on all of our lives. But social media has been that one sliver of hope that let people still have a sense of the same connection and reality. It is now obvious that social media marketing especially, will be in our midst for a very long time and provide us with the transparency that we deserve.
As one might recall, all social media platforms were filled with Dalgona coffee pictures when the pandemic first hit. Add to that the various workout challenges and video trends that came about became the main focus in those times. All of these and more made us feel quite at home and helped us feel like we were still amongst our loved ones. These fun yet simple trends were the ones that helped us let loose when the atmosphere around us was filled with stress and anxiety.
Social media also managed to play a great role in our professional lives. From Zoom calls to classroom sessions, everything found a place on the digital platform. Thus while social media helped us get out of the pandemic stress, it also helped us to not forget our basic responsibilities.